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What You Get

Undivided attention. Your therapist will be 100% fully focused just on you and your healing objectives, day in and day out.

Highly individualized treatment to address whatever issues come up. Your therapist has the expertise to address highly specific structural and health issues within the body and can also navigate deep emotional processes.

Therapy sessions throughout the morning and afternoon, with a relaxed lunch break and free time in the evenings to integrate with a walk along the beautiful Kanawha River, journaling, exploration of the wild and wonderful, or maybe an overdue early bedtime.

You set the pace. Your therapist has no agenda, other than to support whatever serves you best.

Sustainable change. Participants of the intensive therapy immersion consistently report an enhanced quality of life during and after a period of integration of the changes brought about by the program.

Feel confident, knowing your therapist has the highest level of certification in CranioSacral Therapy, plus the distinction of being team-leading therapist in group Intensive therapy Programs for the world renowned Upledger Institute.

Investment: $3,400

After doing a 3-Day Immersion with Patricia, I can absolutely feel that I’m approaching tasks with more ease. It’s almost like a deeper sense of calm got locked into my body, which allows my brain to be calmer. I absolutely look forward to more intensives and tune ups. I highly recommend this work to anyone who has chronic physical, emotional, or mental un-ease. It will help you in indescribable ways.   

Lindi, ADHD

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